<script>on MouseUpglobal gMenuSelection6put word 2 of the clickLine into theLineif line theLine of me = "" then exit MouseUpSpinCursorselectButton theLine,name of meSpinCursorlock screenput theLine into item (number of this cd) of gMenuSelection6updateField theLineend MouseUp</script>
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<script>on MouseUpclick at item 1 of loc of fld "Categories",item 2 of the clickLocend MouseUp</script>
<script>on LinkToBackLinkToCard "Map","iris close"end LinkToBackon openCardglobal gMenuSelection6updateField (item (number of this cd) of gMenuSelection6)end openCardon updateField theLine-- put the ticks into s2spinCursorput linkedText(theLine,fld "Index") into tempif last char of temp is return then delete last char of tempput temp into fld "Presentations"-- put LineOffsetList2("• ",temp) into bL-- spinCursor-- repeat with z = 1 to number of lines of bL-- set textStyle of line (line z of bL) of fld "Presentations" to "bold"-- end repeat-- spinCursor-- answer (the ticks - s2) /60selectButton theLine,name of fld "Categories"end updateFieldfunction LineOffsetList findStr,searchStrput "" into theListput 0 into lastOffsetput return before searchStrput return before findStrput searchStr into temprepeatput offset(findStr,temp) into cif c = 0 then exit repeatadd c to lastOffsetput lastOffset & return after theListdelete char 1 to c of tempend repeatrepeat with z = 1 to number of lines of theListput number of lines of char 1 to (line z of theList) of searchStr into line z of theListend repeatreturn theListend LineOffsetList</script>